The trustees of the Bombolulu School of Promise are pleased to be able provide an update for the past year.
Following the difficulties experienced at the school in 2015 arising from Security issues and unforeseen staff changes we are delighted to advise that 2016 has been a year of progress and success for the charity. The staff changes we put in place last year with the appointment of a House Mistress to run the orphanage and a sharing of responsibilities amongst the teachers to manage the school has been a huge success with no personnel leaving this year and significant progress made in the administration and teaching quality at the school.
Feedback received from parents and teachers this year has been hugely positive and the smooth administration and continued high teaching standards were witnessed by one of our Trustees on a visit earlier this year . We have this year introduced regular parent teacher meetings and encouraged parents to communicate directly with the Trustees to assist us in ensuring any concerns are immediately addressed . This is working well, with the school an important part of the local community and well respected . Places continue to be at a premium in view of our 100 pupil capacity but we were able to offer 8 new places this year to some of the most disadvantaged children in the local community.
The high teaching standards we provide have again been borne out by the excellent examination success at the school and by our ex pupils at secondary school. Last year we had 6 pupils successfully complete their National Exams enabling them to go onto secondary school . We were delighted to be able to find sponsors for three of these pupils enabling them to attend a state Boarding school. This year a further 5 pupils have undertaken their Nat exams and we are hopeful they will be similarly successful. Also last year we had four of our ex pupils successfully complete their secondary school education and due to the generosity of their sponsor one of these pupils is now being funded through University studying Engineering. We have a further six ex pupils who have just taken their final exams this year and we are awaiting news of their results.
To improve the teaching standards we provide we have been committed to supporting and funding our teachers enabling them to further their education. We are delighted to advise that Ruth, our senior teacher, was successful in passing her university level teaching qualifications this year after three years of hard study.
We have this year committed to financing our senior year teacher, Daniel, similarly through University. He has now commenced this course and we wish him well.
The incredible generosity of some of our regular supporters has again been demonstrated this year enabling us to complete or plan some much needed infrastructure improvements. Notably this has included the construction of a new toilet block at the school ensuring separate facilities for the boys and girls. In addition, following a massive & generous fund raising event entailing a drive from Peking to Paris ! we have sufficient funds to undertake a further extension to the school along with an extensive program of acquisitions to enhance the welfare and education material available. Two of our trustees are visiting the school in the New Year to manage and assist with this .
Along with our usual compliment of staff , 5 teachers, a cook, House Mistress and security man we have this year recruited a part time role from the local community to assist with administration at the school. We have also employed on a temporary part time basis one of our ex secondary school pupils as a teaching assistant , partly to enable him to support himself through university.
Finally, I am pleased to report that the food program has again been fully sponsored this year ensuring a hot meal is provided every day for all the pupils. A massive thankyou to the sponsor of the program, which has now been ongoing for about seven years, yet remains no less important.
It just leaves me to say thank you on behalf of all those connected with the charity for your continued generous support .